Manual Handling Accidents

Manual handling can result in painful injuries and, in some cases, long-term conditions that have an impact on an individual’s daily life. Manual handling accidents at work are usually avoidable, but they can result in serious injuries.

What is a manual handling incident?

Work that involves moving or operating items or machinery that require more than average physical effort can result in a manual handling accident. 

Manual handling activities are especially prevalent in industries where physical labor is the norm. A single manual handling incident or a series of repetitive maneuvers, such as pushing or carrying items for an extended period, can result in a manual handling injury or condition.

Reasons behind frequent industrial injuries

Industrial injuries are frequently caused by situations involving manual handling, such as:

  • The use of machines and keyboards regularly
  • Inadequate equipment training Incorrect manual handling practices, such as feeding items into machines where safety guards have failed
  • Taking care of awkward packages and boxes
  • Carrying large items over a long distance
  • Pushing and pulling awkward or heavy items

Work-related injuries involving manual handling can occur in almost any sector or industry, and they can also give rise to claims for faulty work equipment or factory accidents.

Your right to file a claim for manual handling compensation

If you have been injured due to no fault of your own, you have the right to file a manual handling accident claim. Your employer has a legal obligation to protect you and your coworkers from injury while you are at work.

This means that if your employer violated its duty and you were injured, you have the right to seek compensation.

How do you file a claim for manual handling compensation?

You should begin the process quickly while the events are still fresh in your mind. You may be out of work while recovering from manual handling injuries, which provides an excellent opportunity to discuss your legal claim with knowledgeable counsel.

Contact an expert legal adviser quickly so that they can guide you through the next steps of filing a claim. If you decide to go forward, your manual handling accident claims solicitor will provide you with free legal advice.
