Road Traffic Accident Claims

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident, you may be able to seek compensation. Whatever your injuries are, our lawyers can help you get the compensation and rehabilitation you require.

When Should You File A Claim?

Although you have three years from the date of the accident to file a compensation claim, you should contact a solicitor as soon as possible.

When you contact a law firm early, the investigation into your accident can begin while memories of the incident are still fresh in the minds of all parties involved.

Can You Claim Compensation If The Road Traffic Accident Was Your Fault?

If you were the sole cause of an accident, you are unlikely to be able to seek compensation. However, if an accident was only partially your fault, you may be able to seek compensation.

In situations like this, you may be able to seek compensation, but the amount you receive will almost certainly be reduced due to your role in the crash.

How Long Will It Take to Process Your Claim?

The length of the claims process is largely determined by two factors: the severity of your injuries and whether or not your opponent accepts responsibility for them.

If you have suffered more serious injuries, your claim will take longer to process because more medical evidence must be got before your compensation amount can be agreed upon.

It’s also critical to wait for your injuries to heal before filing a claim so that the full extent of their impact can be determined. If your opponent refuses to accept liability and contests any charges brought against them, you may have to wait for the criminal case to be resolved before pursuing compensation.

The compensation you receive will be determined by the nature and severity of your injuries, as well as any costs or losses incurred as a result.

  • The amount of compensation you could receive is determined by:
  • Earnings loss, both current and future
  • Medical and travel expenses You’ve incurred.
  • Your current and future care and support requirements
  • alterations to your home
  • Mobility devices
  • Your anguish and distress

What Is the Process for Filing a Road Traffic Accident Compensation Claim?

After we’ve agreed to accept your claim, we’ll gather information about your accident to determine who is to blame for your injuries. We will also identify any rehabilitation needs you may have and assist you in obtaining the necessary assistance.

We’ll work hard to get access to the fault once we’ve determined who is to blame for your injuries. In some cases, this means you may be eligible for early compensation payments to cover any immediate expenses.

In the majority of cases, the amount of compensation you receive will be agreed upon with your opponent. If this is not possible, the case will go to court; if this occurs in your case, we will be with you every step of the way.

Need more information about road traffic accident claims? We are here to help, Call now.