Impacts of whiplash injuries

Every employer has a legal obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure that their employee has a safe working environment. If you have suffered an accident at work claim, contact our specialist No Win No Fee solicitors today.

Back injury at work

Whether it is office-based or physical labor, around 27.8 million days of sick leave are contribute by back pain or back-relate injuries. From identifying the causes to exploring your treatment options, this guide has you cover when it comes to understanding and preventing back injury resulting from an accident at work.

It is your employer that is responsible for your well-being and your health within the workplace by minimizing the risk of exposure to back injuries and/or pain. If you have a back injury at work and you feel that your employer is at fault, contact Invicta Legal, and we can offer you advice on how to Injury claim for a back injury from work. Invicta Legal has your best interests at the core of our values. We can offer advice on how to begin a back personal injury claim.

Crush injury at Work

The lingering events of a crush injury at work can be life-changing.

In an instant, an Accident at work claim can lead to a crush injury. Learn about the causes and treatments of this potentially devastating workplace accident injury.

Some injuries can be minor whilst others can be life-changing such as paralysis, long-term disabilities, amputation, and sadly fatality. Invicta Legal is here to help you through this traumatic time of your life by gaining compensation and allowing you to take back some control over your future life. Have you been injure at work due to a crush injury? Learn about your legal rights and how to file an injury claim for whiplash or other damages.

Manual handling accidents

It is often believe that manual handling injuries in the workplace are sustain from lifting and carrying objects, however, they can also occur when employees are required to push, pull, or even handle large or heavy items. can manual handling be avoid completely?

Working with heavy objects? Don’t forget the basics of manual handling. Learn how to protect yourself against an accident at work with this guide.

Employers are responsible for the health and safety of their employees. With the nature of manual handling, they must also ensure that:

  • They carry out a risk assessment of manual handling which has the potential to cause injury
  •  Reduce the risk of manual handling injuries
  •  Review the existing practices of manual handling regularly and reduce manual handling that is not necessary

Employees also have equal responsibilities respectively, which can also include:

  • Follow the Health & Safety regulations implement by your employer
  • Co-operate fully on all matters relating to Health & Safety
  • Notify the employer of any incorrect manual handling
  • Use appropriate safety equipment provide.

Should you sustain an injury as a result of a manual handling accident, Invicta Legal will ensure that you are compensate for the trauma and loss of earnings incurred. To ensure that your claim will be successful, you should ensure the following:

  • Report the accident or injury to the appropriate manager or supervisor
  • Any injuries that are sustain whilst in the workplace (this includes minor injuries) are log in the employers ‘Accident Book’. Every employer should have one.
  • Make a note of any witnesses that may have seen the accident
  • Photographic evidence of where the injury took place
  • Save receipts for any expenses you have incurred as a result of that accident and the injury you have sustain.

If you have been injured at work and your employer was at fault, contact us for compensation.

Inadequate training at work – Risk assessment

As long as the accident at work has taken place within the last 3 years, Invicta Legal can help you receive compensation for any loss of income and trauma you have sustain.

Don’t let inadequate work training put your safety at risk. Learn how to prevent Accidents at work  and make sure you’re protect.

Your employer has a duty of care towards you to ensure that you are able to work in a safe environment and that systems are in place so that there are regular safety checks on staff as well as the equipment use. The most common injuries claim at accident at work can include:

  • Manual Handling
  • Slips, trips & falls
  • Colleague negligence
  • Travelling in a work vehicle
  • Unsafe working practices

Should the worst happen, where you have suffer an injury at work, you should ensure that you do the following or that the following has take place:

  1. Report the accident or injury in the workplace as soon as possible.
  2. Any injuries that are sustained whilst in the workplace (this includes minor injuries) are logged in the employers ‘Accident Book’. Every employer should have one.
  3. Please ensure to log how the accident occurr, and be sure to note names and contact information.
  4. Visit your GP or hospital for treatment of the injuries as soon as possible.

Please note that there is a three-year time limit to make a claim. (Raees please link to the section under the 3-year time limit) As long as the accident has taken place within the last 3 years, Invicta Legal can help you receive compensation for any loss of income and trauma you have sustain. Our legal expertise and simplicity will guide you through to receiving any compensation you are entitle to.

Warehouse accidents

If you have sustain an injury whilst working within a warehouse environment and you feel that your employer is at fault, contact Invicta Legal, and we help you get the maximum compensation that you are entitled to. Warehouse workers are at risk of road traffic accidents every day – make sure you’re aware of the common warning signs and prevention measures.

Employees are also expose to the risk of falling from a height such as scaffolding on building sites, being hit by a moving vehicle, falling shelves/stock, trips and falls. It is clear that employers should do their utmost to ensure that their employees work in a safe environment with minimal hazards. Injuries from warehouse accidents can vary from minor injuries and those that have long-term effects. Medical examinations can help us determine the kind of rehabilitation you will need and the compensation that will be paid out. There are many regulations that employers need to adhere to such as The Work at Heights Regulation 2005 where a warehouse operator or employee is correctly supervise and must be carry out by competent people. ​Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is also an industry-standard when working within hazardous environments such as a warehouse. PPE can include:

  • Respiratory PPE (face masks)
  • Protection for your ears and hearing (earbuds)
  • Protection for your eyes (Google)
  • Protection equipment for hands, arms & feet (Gloves, work boots)
  • Protection for the head (helmets)

There are many regulations that need to be followed and if they are not, and you have been injured as a result, contact us. Warehouse accidents are a major problem, causing injury and loss of life. Keep your employees safe and prevent accidents at work with this guide!

Defective machinery at work

Defective machinery can be dangerous for employee operators and those near it. Machinery has to adhere to regular industry tests and checks to prevent potential malfunction and related accidents.

Defective machinery can be dangerous for employee operators and those near it. Machinery has to adhere to regular industry tests and checks to prevent potential malfunction and related accidents. ​The risk of exposure to defective machinery accidents and the following are potential hazards if not regularly check. These include:

  • Electrical equipment (PAT Testing)
  • Ladders
  • Safety ropes & harnesses
  • Hand & power tools
  • Stop controls
  • Steps & scaffolding
  • Inadequate PPE measures
  • Missing covers

Working environments where machinery can become defective and result in injury can include workplaces such as plants, assembly lines, building sites and factories. It is your employer’s responsibility to ensure the machinery is safe to use, and correct training is provided for competent workers. Even if you are an agency worker, Invicta Legal recognises that you have as much right to claim compensation as much as a permanent member of staff. Every employer has a responsibility for safety and that correct training is given. Invicta Legal has the legal expertise that will help you claim compensation should you be injured from defective machinery.
